Photography Exhibition – KAUST, An Oasis for Birds

During the Winter Enrichment Program here at KAUST, on January 2017, we presented with my fellow birder, Brian James, our photography exhibition “KAUST, An Oasis for Birds”.  68 species were presented through more than 120 photos, all of them taken inside KAUST. Information about each species were provided as well.

The exhibition was also covered on the KAUST News. Read the story here.

Since August 21st, the exhibition is again up, in the new exhibit space, in the University’s Libary.


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KAUST – Spring Migration

We are in the the peak time of the migration and there is a good number of birds around. Basically the usual visitors, nothing new, but it is always nice if you go for a walk and you can see 40-50 species in just  a few hours. Among the highlights today was a group of 5 Spoonbills, which usually are not easy to approach. This time I managed to get close enough for some descent shots.

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KAUST – Golf Course, Migration is over

I was at the Golf Course today; it is apparent that the migratory visitors have gone. Only some birds were around. I spend couple of hours by the lake near the 4th green.

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KAUST – Golf Course, Birds of prey

I was at the Golf Course today, where the highlights were 5 or 6 birds of prey. They have been around the last few weeks. Birds of prey are often spotted hovering around KAUST campus, but it is not usual that this number of birds stay for long.

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KAUST – South Beach

I went this morning to the South Beach, early on, before the sunrise. The tide was high and I setup my hide very close to the water, ready for another great birding morning. As soon as the sun rose I was surrounded by a good number of birds. The highlights were a 4 Eurasian Spoonbills and a Common Kingfisher but at such distance that a good shot was not possible.

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